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Seven RV maintenance tips

  1. Cover Roof:
    RV roofs are susceptible to sun and environmental damage, which can create problems that often go unseen because we don’t get up there regularly. One of the best things you can do is keep your RV stored under a carport or cover. Steel RV covers can be customized to meet its size. They often come with warranties of up to 40 years providing your roof a lifetime of protection. If you live in your RV full time, the best you can do is have the roof cleaned on a regular basis. This will also cut down on the hated black streaks that appear on the sides.
  2. Run Generator:
    Letting a generator sit unused too long can result in replacing it way before you should need to. Gasoline has a shelf life of about 30 days. After that, it can start to break down and damage a generator’s internal components. You must keep gasoline flowing. To do so, run the generator two hours each month at a 50% load. This will keep it primed. Failure to do so can cause the carburetor to varnish preventing fuel from effectively powering the generator.
  3. Watch Windows, Doors, and Roof Seals:
    A common problem is moisture leaking via weather stripping and seals. Seals degrade over time, and some brands are notorious for not using great ones. When seals start breaking down, they allow water in damaging surfaces and creating mold. Check seals around windows and doors every three months to ensure a tight fit and no deterioration. Check roof seals every six months. Look for cracks, loose pieces, and water stains.
  4. Open Vents:
    When an RV sits unused over the summer, the temperature inside can exceed extreme levels depending on the location. That kind of heat causes even the toughest materials to break down and fail over time. Wall coverings, seals, seams, and flooring slowly deteriorate and cause sooner than needed repairs. Opening vents creates airflow and keeps the temperature down. Make sure exterior vents are covered though to avoid rain getting in.
  5. Lubricate Slide Out Rails:
    A squeaky pop out is more than a nuisance. It’s a sign slide out rails need attention. Not having proper lubrication can cause deterioration due to rust and corrosion. Apply lubricant once or twice each year depending on the RV’s usage to keep them squeak free.
  6. Keep Tires Conditioned:
    Tires must be cleaned, protected, and covered when stored or parked for awhile to maximize their usage. The sun can deteriorate tires quickly requiring replacements long before wearing out the tread. After cleaning tires, treat them with UV protection. When storing the RV, cover the tires, but verify the wheel diameter before purchasing them.
  7. Document Maintenance:
    Oversee maintenance with an online tracking tool like Maintain My RV. Not only can you keep all records and documents together, but you’ll also receive reminders via email when it’s due. Maintain My RV can also keep track of two additional vehicles.